The Seventh Award

  Notice on Rating Event for the Seventh Shenzhen Copyright Gold Award

    The award ceremony for the Seventh Shenzhen Copyright Gold Award will kick off on October 26, 2018, stop soliciting works on November 20, rate the works over the Internet on November 21 and grant the awards in late December or early January 2019. The event will be cosponsored by Shenzhen Media Group, Shenzhen Press Group, Shenzhen Copyright Society and Shenzhen News Network, and supported and instructed by the Radio and Television Administration of Guangdong Province (Copyright Office), Shenzhen Market Supervision Administration (Intellectual Property Right Office) and related authorities. The event is intended to award enterprises and professionals that made outstanding achievements in creation, application, protection and management of copyright in 2018.

I. Event Purpose
Copyright is one of the three pillars of intellectual property rights. Compared to patent, trademark and other industrial properties, copyright represents the interests of cultural values. Thus, it both has unique social attributes and also displays evident economic attributes. The praise mechanism of the Copyright Gold Award is built in the hope of inspiring creation and promoting continuous appearance of excellent cultural results. In addition, we hope to carry forward copyright application, praise copyright protection and promote the innovation and development of news, publication, radio, television, literature, art, creative design, animation game and other related industries, thereby propelling a balanced growth of hard and soft strengths of the city. It has promoted the cultural and creative industry of Shenzhen to become more aware of copyright year by year and played a positive role in establishing a legal environment for mass innovation, respect for copyright and copyright protection. As the only important copyright-related event of the Creative December Campaign this year, Shenzhen Copyright Gold Award will communicate copyright knowledge and function in the hope of discovering the awards for “top ten copyrighted cultural and creative products”, telling stories about how enterprises win a big market with small creative idea and playing the role in improving the design and innovation awareness and promoting the development of the copyright industry.

II. Awards
   The event will set a total of 30 awards, including 10 “Copyrighted Works Awards”, 5 “Copyright Application Awards”, 5 “Copyright Protection Awards”, 5 “Excellent Copyright Manager Awards”, 3 “Annual Copyright Registration Leader Awards” and 2 “Annual Emerging Enterprise Award in Copyright Industry”, in six categories.

III. Scope of Rating
The event will set the “Copyrighted Works Awards”, the “Copyright Application Awards”, the “Copyright Protection Awards”, the “Excellent Copyright Manager Awards”, the “Annual Copyright Registration Leader Awards” and the “Annual Emerging Enterprise Award in Copyright Industry”, which will mainly target enterprises, nonprofit organizations and individuals in Shenzhen Municipality.

   The “Works Award” requires authors provide works, such as ( (1. Literary works: Literary works, film and television scripts that have been published; 2. Musical works; 3. Animation works: Animation design, cartoon works and game works; 4. Applied art works: Industrial design works, planar design works, jewelry design and apparel design works; 5. Film & TV works). The other awards don’t require text descriptions and recommendation tables.

IV. Recommendation Conditions
1. Works Award (10 awards altogether)
    Original works or works that are innovative in form of creation and content, render positive and progressive ideological contents, feature an extensive scope of communication and high level of social recognition, create evident economic benefits and social benefits and take certain market share.原创作品、创作方式和内容形式富有创新性,思想内容积极向上,传播范围广,社会认知度高,具有显著经济效益和社会效益,有一定市场占有率。

    An applicant for the award must submit his or her certificate of title to the works such as copyright registration certificate, working paper or original involving copyright, legitimate publication and electronic copyright registration certificate. In the case of film, TV and musical works, the applicant should also submit a compact disk.

2. Copyright Application Award and Copyright Protection Award (5 awards respectively)
    (1) Copyright Application Award: Enterprises, nonprofit organizations, social organizations and individuals that have actively utilized copyright resources, taken every possible measure to promote the publishing and communication of copyrighted works, converted copyright resources into social wealth, realized market values of copyrighted works and promoted the forging of industrial chain of copyright, and created great social and economic benefits.

    (2) Copyright Protection Award: Organizations or individuals that have actively asserted rights and interests for copyright holders, displayed an innovative spirit in copyright protection, explored and applied innovative methods and creatively resolved long-term problems that have existed in copyright protection. They have made an outstanding contribution to regulating the copyright market environment, regularizing the market order and setting significant typical examples. They have created significant influences across the city and attracted extensive attention and good response in the society.

3. “Excellent Copyright Manager Award” (5 awards): Have engaged in copyright work for more than two years and made outstanding achievements in copyright registration, copyright licensing and copyright system building of enterprises.

4. “Annual Copyright Registration Leader Award” (3 awards): Take the lead in terms of number of registered original copyrighted works in the year, obviously take a role in propelling copyright protection and application of enterprises and be representative to some extent.

5. “Annual Emerging Enterprise Award in Copyright Industry” (2 awards) Enterprises that have actively been dedicated to developing the copyright business and industry and made an obvious achievement in copyright innovation, application, protection and management. Or enterprises that have made outstanding achievements in creation and communication of literary, artistic and scientific works, particularly created and communicated works with certain influence since 2018; or that have persevered in independent innovation, propelled copyright application and made an evident achievement in the promotion of copyright industry development; or that have persisted in innovative concept and innovative thinking, built sound copyright and copyright asset management mechanism, displayed innovation and performance in the work to combat piracy and have created a significant influence in the entire society.

V. Recommendation Method
An industry organization or relevant agency can recommend itself or other applicants, and submit the candidate to the Secretariat of Shenzhen Copyright Society for online voting and rating by the panel.

VI. Submission of Materials
An organizing or recommending organization must submit one paper copy, electronic copy of relevant application materials and PPT presentation to the Secretariat of Shenzhen Copyright Society prior to November 20, 2018.

   Address:Room 603, 6F, Building 6, Shenzhen Bay Scientific Ecology Park, Shahe West Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen

   Tel:86546257, 86716210, 86185519



Organizing Committee of Shenzhen Copyright Gold Award

Shenzhen Copyright Society

October 26, 2018

Appendix 1: Application Form for the Seventh Shenzhen Copyright Gold Award (Works).doc

Appendix 2: Application Form for the Seventh Shenzhen Copyright Gold Award (Application).doc

Appendix 3: Application Form for the Seventh Shenzhen Copyright Gold Award (Protection).doc

Appendix 4: Application Form for the Seventh Shenzhen Copyright Gold Award (Excellent Copyright Manager).doc

Appendix 5: Application Form for the Seventh Shenzhen Copyright Gold Award (Annual Copyright Registration Leader Award).doc

Appendix 6: Application Form for the Seventh Shenzhen Copyright Gold Award (Annual Emerging Enterprise Award in Copyright Industry).doc