Works Registration

I. Place of Acceptance

  1. 6F, Sida Plaza, 19 Meilin Road, Futian District, Shenzhen
    Contact Person: Miss Xu
    Consulting Hotline: 86185560     QQ: 625792137
  2. Room 603, 6F, Building 6, Shenzhen Bay Scientific Ecology Park, Shahe West Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen
    Contact Person: Miss He
    Consulting Hotline: 86660433     QQ: 1425701411

II. Acceptance Time

9:00-12:00 and 2:00-5:30, Monday to Friday.

III. Handling Flow (Operating Flow for Applicants in 2018 New System.doc. Please click to download)

IV. Documents Required for Copyright Registration of Works:

The applicant logs on the Guangdong Copyright Network ( and enters the page where the user registers copyrights

The applicant applies for or logs on the “Voluntary Works Copyright Registration” account, completes the online application in the business acceptance column and submits relevant documents. The Society staff responsible for works registration performs preliminary review, the applicant can complete one copy of the works after paying the fee (it is not required to submit the paper copy for a single sheet of works) and submit it to Shenzhen Copyright Society, which will hand over the works to Guangdong Copyright Office for review.

V. Time Frame of Processing:

2 months after the registration agency formally accepts paper application documents

VI. Types of Works

Copyright objects are divided into a total of seven types, according to the Copyright Law of China:

1.Literary works
They refer to works created in character, number or symbol and include novel, prose, poem, essay, monograph, translation and textbook. In general, playwright outline, creation of animation script, corporate standard, planning document and any other unique characters can apply for copyright registration

2.Oral works
​They refer to improvised works created in the oral language such as report, speech, literature and court debate published in the oral form.

3.Music, drama, performing art dancing and acrobatic works
Musical works mean those works that are created with notes, numbers or other marks, express contents with rhythm, allow signing or performance and have script or no script (independent scripts are considered as literary works) and include songs, dancing music and symphonies.

Drama and performing art works mean those works that compile continuous motions, monologues, dialogues and words of one or multiple persons for performance.

Dancing works mean those works that compile a group of continuous motions and gestures rich in aesthetics for dancing. These works usually combine motions, rhythms and expressions and can be fixed in the form of dance notation or video.

4.Art works
Art works mean those works with aesthetic images that are created with lines, colors or other elements. These works may be planar such as drawing and calligraphy, or also may be cubic molding art such as sculpture. Usually, logo, trademark pattern, textile pattern design, cartoon design and exterior product design can apply for copyright registration.

5.Photographic works
Photographic works mean those artistic works that use devices to record objective images on photographic materials. They usually refer to works taken with cameras.

6.Film works and works created in film-like methods
They refer to those works that are recorded on film, magnetic tape or other audio/video carriers, composed of a series of continuous pictures and accompanying sound (or without accompany sound) and played or broadcast with appropriate devices. They usually refer to film, television, video and other works.

7.Engineering design drawing, product design drawing, map, sketch map and other graphic works and model works
Engineering design drawings and product design drawings usually refer to drawings that are used to instruct project construction or product manufacturing and express the structure or decomposition of a project or product. In particular, exclusive product design drawings for mechanical part, furniture and life necessities can apply for copyright registration.

Works Registration Tariff

Works Type Charge Object Tariff Remarks
Literary and oral works Natural person 200 Collect another RMB50 against a natural person, legal person or other
organization for an increase of 10,000 characters
in excess of 100,000 characters.
Legal persons or other 260
Music, drama, performing art dancing and acrobatic works Natural person 200 In particular, collect another RMB100 against a natural person or RMB200 against
a legal person or other organization for an increase of one song,
if a musical works contain a multitude of songs.
Legal persons or other 310
Art works Natural person 200

Collect another RMB50 against a natural person, legal person or other organization
for an increase of one piece in excess of 5 pieces,
if an applicant requests copyright registration with multiple works as one series

Legal persons or other 260
Architectural works Natural person 400 Including architectural ornament works
Legal persons or other 610
Photographic works Natural person 140 Collect another RMB20 against a natural person or RMB40 against a legal person or
other organization for an increase of one piece in excess of 5 pieces,
if multiple pictures express the same theme and apply for one works registration
Legal persons or other 200
Films and works created in film-like manner Natural person 450 Collect another RMB100 against a natural person or RMB200 against
a legal person or other organization for an increase of one
episode in excess of 10 episodes, if one works contains more than 10 episodes.
Legal persons or other 660
Engineering design drawing, product design drawing,
map, sketch map and other graphic works and model works
Natural person 200 Collect another RMB50 for an increase of one drawing, if a series of drawings in excess of
20 ones express the same industrial equipment or assembly.
Map sets will be handled in accordance with the aforesaid standard.
Legal persons or other 260
Copyright registration of collection and other works Natural person 200 Collect another RMB50 for an increase of 10 pages,
if the works contain more than 10 pages in sextodecimo
Legal persons or other 260

Appendix: Duplicate: RMB50
Storage: RMB40

Application for urgent processing (additional charge on top of normal tariff)

Urgent (10 working days): RMB200

Please remit the registration fee to the following account number of the Finance Department of the Society:

Account Name: Shenzhen Copyright Society
Account Bank: ICBC Meilin Sub-branch
Account Number: 40000 2620 9200 2989 20

For transfer, please specify works description as well as invoice title and tax number in the remarks

The final price is subject to the price displayed in the system.