Expert Appraisal Committee

Expert Appraisal Committee of Shenzhen Copyright Society

In the context of Internet development and continuous maturity of electronic commerce and other transaction modes, the infringement on copyrights is becoming increasingly more and more frequent, copyright holders are continuously strengthening their awareness of right protection and the number of copyright cases also keeps rising. At present, some administrative protection and judicial precedents have introduced technical experts to provide third-party professional opinions as well as professional comparison and appraisal opinions of industry experts, and their opinions have become an important reference and basis for judicial trial. This will both strengthen objective assessment of concerned parties during the litigation and also help the court to increase the efficiency of case closing.

To this end, Shenzhen Copyright Society has set up an Expert Appraisal Committee composed of 14 elites and experts who have engaged in the design sector for more than one decade, displayed a high professional level and gained a keen insight into the industry and market of game, jewelry, animation, apparel, ceramic art, planar design, industrial design and other sectors where infringement cases happen at a high frequency. The committee shoulders the mission to provide expert appraisal opinions for judicial trial and administrative enforcement cases involving copyrights.

So far, the courts of Futian District and Nanshan District of Shenzhen Municipality have consigned us to provide expert appraisal opinions on paper works, fine art works, art works, game software, ceramic artworks and other works, and the parties concerned in some cases have also requested we provide expert appraisal opinions to serve as solid expert opinions in the litigation.

Business flow:

  1. Consignment of court:
    1. Submit letter of entrustment
    2. Appraisal materials of plaintiff and defendant (list of materials attached)
    3. Identity certificates of plaintiff and defendant
  2. Application of concerned party
    1. Submit application for expert appraisa
    2. Submit agreement
    3. Appraisal materials of plaintiff and defendant as well as lists (lists of materials attached)
    4. Identity certificate of applicant

Appendix 1: Expert Appraisal Application.doc
Appendix 2: List of Appraisal Documents.xlsx